Saturday, July 4, 2009

Is Astral Projection Something You Should Experiment With?

By Benjamin Parry

Astral projection is something that you already have some awareness of. No doubt you've heard the phrase used in conversation, in a movie or TV program or seen it in a book or magazine. What you might not know is that you can astral project; anyone can, in fact. Youve already done so, though you might not remember it.

We need to first look at the definition for astral projection. To state this in very simple terms, astral projection's definition is a human being able to move out of their physical body. All humans have this ability, in fact they actually do it when they are sleeping in the night. When anyone is asleep the physical body and mind are resting and the subconscious part of the brain assumes control. Most humans simply have no recollection of this.

Astral projection allows you to visit any place you like and do anything without limitations imposed by time or space. As a child, you probably were able to do this easily every time you slept. When we age though, its common to forget how to use this ability.

For those that may not be aware of the various bodies other than the physical. Astral projection is done with the astral body. It is often referred to as the ethereal body because of both its duplication of the physical body and its lack of substance. It is in essence an invisible body. The in turn leads to the question of how is the astral body attached to the physical body. The answer is it is attached with what is often referred to as the silver cord.

This cord keeps your two beings connected from the moment you're born until your last breath. As long as you live, your astral body will always come back to your physical form after its travels.

Where is it exactly that we go when astral projecting? You visit the astral plane which is to the physical universe as your astral body is to your physical body. There is no universal agreement among the experts about exactly how the astral plane is structured but most agree that the astral plane is an alternate reality which vibrates at a different rate than our own, just slightly out of sync with the universe we inhabit physically and that there are many different levels to the astral plane..

It is perfectly alright at this stage if you are concerned about possible hazards in doing astral projection. The answer to this is both no and yes. We have already mentioned these facts that the astral body always returns to the physical thanks to the silver cord, also that everyone can do astral projection. You just need to make sure you have your mind right to do this though. This means that your basic thinking skills should be strong and sound, this way you will be able to know exactly what you want and even more important where you want to go.

Let me caution you here, if your mind is in a dark place or not right then it becomes dangerous to astral project. If you are taking drugs or drinking alcohol it is not wise to astral project because you could wind up in some bad places. The lower levels of the astral plane contain the places that are bad.

It is vital that you understand where you desire going and exactly what you are participating in. You need to strive on doing astral projection using your conscious mind. Stay in total control as far as what task that the astral body is performing. Your thoughts and thinking processes are what keeps you in this kind of control.

When engaging in astral projection it is important to prepare properly. Once you know how to prepare, you will find that astral projection is a quick and easy process. The method of preparation varies depending on the professional consulted. However, there are a number of, at home, training programs that provide individuals with the opportunity to learn how to control the experience and ultimately obtain both more enjoyment and benefit from astral projecting.

There are several books on this subject and you can locate other aids to help you online. One type of aid is that of hypnosis recordings that are created for astral projections to get you into the desired state of mind. This helps you get totally relaxed along with taking you through that various levels. This is often the preferred method over a professional approach, because you can replay the recording as much as you need to get your subconscious mind to get the message about when it is alright to begin to astral project and leave your physical body.

Something called binaural beats, a new audio recording technique have made it possible for many people to astral project. Two frequencies which are just slightly different are listened to, one in each year. The result is that your brainwaves tune to the proper frequency for astral projecting.

You can expect the first few attempts to not be as successful as you would like them to be. Astral projection takes some practice to perfect it and get the results you want. Remember that you have the ability already, all of us have the ability to do astral projection, we have just over time forgotten the method and just need to tune our own natural ability to do it.

Do you still not totally believe this is for real? Well have you ever had dreams that you were flying or had the sensation of falling? The flying was your astral body actually traveling through the various astral planes. The sensation of falling is the astral body coming back to the physical body after it traveling around. Astral projection really exists! Take time to tune your natural abilities and you will see that anyone has the abilities to perform this and reap the benefits from it.

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